If experts are correct, you have 7 seconds to make a first impression.  In business, these 7 precious seconds could mean the difference between a prospect looking for more or looking for the door. 

We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, right?  So if both these statements are true, then the proper use of professional photography is the best solution hands down to leverage those 7 seconds.

But just any picture won’t work.  There must be a level of strategy and quality utilized to truly make your mark.  Here are four things you need to keep in mind.

7 Seconds to Capture Their Attention

Just like with a great piece of literature, your photographs should have a “hook” to pull in an onlooker. It’s not enough just to capture the facts of what’s on the surface: you have to give it life. Whether it’s a vibrant pop of color, a close-up detail shot, or a dramatic perspective, a “wow factor” calls a potential client to look closer and figure out what you are all about.

7 Seconds to Call on Your Branding

Through website text, emails, social media, and more, you’ve been working hard to create a brand that sets your company apart. The same must be true with your photography. A sharp photographer will be able to understand your vision and translate it into photography that remains consistent with your branding (or kickstart a fresh, updated brand identity).

7 Seconds to Communicate the Quality of Your Product

You know your product is of the highest quality, but you must communicate that to your potential clients as well. When you are speaking through images, instead of face to face, the photographs should reflect that same quality. This is the area where grainy, dark, or less than adequate photos hurt your image and don’t match up to your brand.

7 Seconds to Say “Come back for more”

Make an onlooker say “That’s impressive. I wonder what else they do?” Good images can keep people on your website longer, and the more they see what you do, the easier they imagine contracting you for your product or services. Maybe an image doesn’t fit a potential client’s exact needs—an exciting image can pull them to look into other areas where you could be a really great business fit.

Does this all seem like too much to do in 7 seconds? With copy text it might be, but with quality photographs, you just may have time to spare.

Are your photographs silent when they should be speaking volumes about your brand? Is the quality of photographs inconsistent with the quality of your product? Contact us at newbusiness@studio13online.com for a quote or just to chat about where we could take you.