When dealing with large corporations that do business across the country–or even bigger, across the world–they all want consistency in their headshots. Consistent imagery for everyone involved in the business helps promote a cohesive brand and corporate culture. Sometimes we get to create style guides for corporations to use, but other times we work within already established guidelines. For this project, we had the benefit of the latter.

We had the pleasure of working with Luminaut Rowland for this shoot. Thanks to the IndyCREW network, Jill Rose referred us to this project. Our client provided a style guide from the corporate office in Cincinnati. Thanks to this guidance, we were able to set up backgrounds, lighting, and wardrobe to stay consistent with the company brand. This meant our work conformed to their other branches across the country, despite discrepancies in location or time.

In order to make this happen, we set up two different backgrounds for the shoot. Everyone who participated in the shoot from the local office was asked to dress in a way that matched corporate guidelines. During our half-day shoot at the downtown office, each employee got both a serious and funny picture. Everyone was encouraged to bring props and be as creative as they desired for their individual headshot. The end result was stunning, and we had a lot of fun!