For those of you who thought we would be needing hard hats for this week’s blog: we are so very sorry. You are on the wrong blog post. But just go back a week and we have you covered! Although hard hats were not necessary for this go around, this week was just as interesting as the last.

We got to see the inside of the Gordmans distribution center in Clayton, Indiana. Gordmans is a type of clothing/department store, but instead of photographing the clothes, Lesle and Tena captured the industrial side for Abrose Property Group. This is the first time the studio has shot architectural photography for Abrose thanks to a referral from Josh Miles at MilesHerndon. The photography of Gordmans will be used for updating their website and future client proposals.

Before going in, we shot the exteriors, which was something of a feat. The warehouse and distribution center takes up a whopping 545,000 square feet so getting a picture of the building isn’t a walk through the industrial complex (bah duh, chh!)

Okay, that was bad. I’m very sorry.

Moving on…

Once inside we captured the interiors. There were rows upon rows of clothes hanging from conveyor belt racks moving from one place to another. Right or left, up or down a level, and it went on for what seemed like a mile. There was automation as far as the eye could we and it was sort of overwhelming.

We also meet up with Connor Sovinski, the full-time e-commerce staff photographer at Gordmans. He was one of Lesle’s students at the Art Institute of Indianapolis and I was introduced to another niche of the photography business: pure product photography. His entire job consists of lighting and photographing different products that Gordmans sells. Although this doesn’t seem like a terribly hard job, he runs through about 1,000 products per week. That’s around 200 per day!

This shoot showed me that there are many sides to photography that people just don’t think about. Today I saw architecture, industrial, and product photography working in harmony and it was pretty darn cool!

Well there never seems to be a dull week around here at Studio 13. Thanks for reading and check back next week to see what adventures we encounter then!