Usually, Lesle’s rule when it comes to photography is “No Babies, No Seniors, No Families” So why is there a baby in 2 of the 3 images in this week’s Journal? Well when it comes to commercial/advertising photography for clients, there is some wiggle room on that rule. This week, instead of recounting one of our recent projects, we put our focus on a client and the multiple projects we’ve done for them over the past year.

Binatone, a worldwide distributer for Motorola, has been a client for us for a while (you might remember a couple blogs from 2016 and 2015 about Binatone). When they come to us to create custom photography, their needs are generally in three categories:

The first is lifestyle photos; this includes pictures of babies, children, or adults in normal life settings—but without any products in them. Like a baby smiling in a crib or two people reading on a couch. You can find these in the background of Binatone’s website, as stock-like images on Amazon, and on the end caps in stores like Baby’s R Us.

The second is advertising images. This is what we do for a lot of clients and is where we think we shine. These images show Motorola products in the way that they would be used in real life, like a GPS enabled dog collar on a dog by a lake. A great example is this picture of an ill child with a no-fuss forehead thermometer. We show the product in use. Which is a lot more challenging than it sounds. For these images we wanted a child with a thermometer but we didn’t want the child to appear too sick! Where is the happy medium?

The third and final way Binatone asks us to add to their marketing goals is pure product photography. Julie, the marketing director over at Binatone, would send us boxes full of Binatone products—from baby monitors to ear buds to smart dog collars—and Lesle would photograph them in a studio setting. These pictures would be used for e-commerce (online shopping) on Amazon, the Motorola website, and with other distributers.

Of course, this can’t happen all in one day. All in all, Lesle and the team at Studio13 would have spent at least 8 days on the job to just get the variety of images featured in this Journal. And when Binatone distributes everything from headphones to baby monitors to dog collars and more, you bet that many a hard day’s work is poured into everything Binatone produces—and all we do to capture what they are producing!

Here at Studio 13 we are glad to be able to provide a wide range of capabilities for any need a client might have. Even if they are all the same client!