This project took place with our good friends at Ambrose Property Group. Ambrose is an industrial, logistics, and e-commerce real estate developer and investor that helps companies build supply chains and create customized solutions. We were hired by Ambrose to capture exterior architectural shots of the Stryker Building in Mooresville, Indiana.

For this exterior imaging, the weather posed the greatest battle. In the course of the drive from Noblesville to Mooresville, the weather can easily change. We got lucky because the weather didn’t change dramatically the day we were going to shoot! Once we arrived, we were met with the challenge of photographing a tall, long and skinny building. Although impressive architecturally, these types of buildings can be challenging to capture in a way that looks good within a single image. In order to do the building justice, we collected some images that established the breadth of the building as well as some that were smaller snippets, leading to images that are pleasing to the eye and don’t make the viewer feel like they’re seeing the building from a distance.

Taking a closer approach meant we were able to capture a lot of beautiful architectural features that aren’t visible from far away while still capturing the beauty of the Stryker building in its entirety!