It’s another successful project in the books with one of our long-time clients, Indianapolis-based real estate developer, Ambrose Property Group. This time, our partnership allowed us to showcase multiple buildings Ambrose developed with Amazon and took us to two cities in Indiana and one in Kentucky.

It was important to our client to highlight the exterior of the building from various angles to show off not only the size of the structures, but also the architectural design. When you’re dealing with buildings of this size, around half a million square feet or more, there are many factors to consider when planning the best photos possible. The direction the buildings face, weather, sunlight, and travel time are just some of the thoughts swirling in the mind of our creatives as they plot the most efficient way to shoot large architecture. This project was also special because it provided an opportunity to train one of our associate photographers on shooting architecture the Studio 13 way. It’s safe to say they easily met their step goal this day!

Founded in 2008, Ambrose Property Group is an industrial, logistics and e-commerce real estate developer and investor that helps companies build cutting-edge supply chains through an agile approach without boundaries. To learn more about Ambrose, click here