Personal connections make this job fun, and sometimes a little surprising! Jeff Dutton has been a long-time client of ours in his role over the decades as director of marketing for Johnson Memorial. Imagine our surprise when Jeff called us in for a top-secret, confidential job – we didn’t even know the purpose of this project until a large announcement was made.

The job Jeff called us about was set into motion in preparation for the announcement of a collaboration between Johnson Memorial and The Mayo Clinic. Johnson Memorial was becoming a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a group of carefully vetted independent health care organizations. Members in this network have special access to Mayo Clinic’s knowledge and expertise, which greatly enhances treatment options for patients.

Our mission was to capture some staged shots with models paired with Johnson Memorial physicians in the Emergency department, as well as other locations in and around the hospital grounds. These images were used as marketing materials for once the announcement was made. Studio 13 Photography had the pleasure of covering the press conference that marked the beginning of this monumental collaboration.

We take pride in our work, and it’s always special when outside groups recognize those efforts. The Mayo Clinic was apparently so impressed with the images we captured that they started using those images in their own Mayo Clinic marketing materials. The Studio 13 family loves making our clients look good for whoever they want to impress!